Sunday, March 15, 2015


BODY LOVE Facial Scrub _________________________________________________

Items Needed:
  • ●  Honey
  • ●  Your Choice of Baking Soda, Sea Salt, Sugar or Oatmeal
  • ●  Container to mix BODY LOVE Face Scrub In.

    Honey will be used as the base for the BODY LOVE
    Facial Scrub
    Raw honey is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. It kills skin infections, including acne. Honey reduces inflammation and hydrates. Honey can be mixed with either of these exfoliants Baking Soda, Sugar, Sea Salt, Oatmeal to boost the antioxidant and anti-bacterial benefits.

    CHOOSE Any of these Selections to Include in your BODY LOVE Facial Scrub.
  • ●  Baking Soda
    You can exfoliate using baking soda daily. Rub a tablespoon of the baking soda on your face in a circular motion. (It is preferable to use a natural baking soda but not necessary)
  • ●  Sugar
    Sugar is a natural source of glycolic acid. Glycolic acid boosts new cell production and breaks down the protein that keeps the dead cells hanging onto your skin. Pure cane sugar works best. Instead of the Honey you could also mix the sugar with your favorite massage oil including olive, coconut or almond oil to make a paste.
  • ●  Sea Salt (Recommended for Dry Skin)
    Sea Salt is full of trace minerals that revitalize your skin, stimulate cell growth, and help your skin retain moisture. Sea salt facial scrub is great for dry skin. Instead of Honey this is also a good mix with your favorite massage oil( olive, cocunut, jojoba, almonds etc ) to make your paste.
  • ●  Oatmeal (Recommended for Sensitive Skin)
    Oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliant, so it’s perfect for sensitive skin. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and is very moisturizing. Mix finely ground oatmeal with honey and/or kefir (you can also use yogurt or buttermilk). Scrub on your face in a circular motion, let sit for 15-30 minutes, rinse, wash as usual.

  1. TakeapproximatelyatablespoonoftheselectedBakingSoda,SeaSalt,Sugaror Oatmeal and add it to approximately 2 tablespoons of Honey.
  2. MixScrubincontainer
  3. Apply to your face and rub in a circular motion.
  4. Rinse
  5. WashFaceasUsual
  6. PatDry.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Face Skin Brushing - ArlettaUNLEASHED 30 Day BODY LOVE CHALLENGE

Queen Goddesses, I had been skin brushing for years and it had never occurred to me that there was any such thing as face skin brushing. I was so excited when I discovered face brushing especially with all of the benefits that I had enjoyed with regular skin brushing 

When you use a face brush to brush your facial skin you can address dry skin and acne challenges  refine and close pores, your face begins to look more vibrant and smoother and with a specific process you can move stimulate lymphatic flow to get toxins out of your skin improving overall optimal face health. 

Face brushes are very affordable and can easily be ordered online. Remember as you use your face skin brush to be gentle and use a light touch as you brush your delicate facial skin. 

An excellent video that demonstrates an effective way to do face skin brushing and remove toxins is  

Thursday, March 12, 2015

BODY LOVE Listening Exercise by ArlettaUNLEASHED

BODY LOVE Listening Exercise.

This process is very simple. While the idea of talking to your body is strange to most of us it is a practice of mystics and form of meditation practiced by some Eastern traditions.

  • Get yourself in a quiet calm space and place
  • Soothing meditation music can be played. (Youtube or Pandora are good sources)
  • Close your eyes and take deep centering breaths
  • Focus on your breathing turning your attention inward
  • Settle your attention on the body part you want to dialog with and place your hands on it. 

1. Greet your body part 

2. Ask how is it feeling?

3. Ask is it happy? Is it sad? Why?

4. Ask it what it would like for you to do for it.

5. Ask how would it like for you to BE and feel towards it.

6. Ask for its forgiveness for all of the hate and negativity you have focused in it.

7.Ask what would it take for it to be in its healthiest happiest state.
8.Express your love and appreciation for it.

9. Ask can it release the fat and toxins that are stored around that area and work with you in your healing.

10. Visualize sending the body part warm loving energy flowing from your hands

11. Take some deep breaths and open your eyes.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015


ArlettaUNLEASHED Fan Page


Monday, March 9, 2015


I decided to do the 30 Day Body Love Challenge after acknowledging how I was still stubbornly holding on to detesting certain parts of my body and how I did’t make nurturing and pampering myself the priority that it is and part of my daily routine.
So I set two goals for myself. The first is to unconditionally love my whole body without reservation PERIOD and to appreciate her beauty as is. The second was to incorporate pampering, indulgence and self-care into my daily routine. So I made a list of all of the things that I had been saying I wanted to do and began doing them regularly and much of what I am sharing with you comes from activities that I performed for my own indulgence and enjoyment. 

I invite everyone to join if the aren’t already a part of it the ArlettaUNLEASHED presents the UNLEASHEDMENT Blog Group so you can dialogue in community about your personal experiences and to be on the lookout for daily updates on the  ArlettaUNLEASHED Fan Page  for each day’s BODY LOVE CHALLENGE. 

I will also be doing regular video posts and written post on ArlettaUNLEASHED Blog so keep posted for that.. I know that we have a pleasure shaming culture. One that makes sure that in spite of the ultra sensual beings and that we females were created as the hopelessly sensual creatures we are meant to be we deny ourselves the joy and bliss of pampering and indulgence. 

With this BODY LOVE CHALLENGE I seek to encourage us all to take time for ourselves. ArlettaUNLEASHED is all about finding the most delicious ways to cultivating Sexy Powerful Feminine. I thank you for joining us in this endeavor and am excited about the potential results. When we fill ourselves up with love, appreciation and care we have surplus energy to serve our loved ones, community and the world. And this is part of my contribution to ushering the balanced feminine revolution that we are ushering in and witnessing.

Loving You Dearly,

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Out with the Body Hate It is Time for B O D Y L O V E by -ArlettaUNLEASHED

Out with the Body Hate It is Time for Body Love
Each of us women remember the time in our life when ww went from being blissfully content with our body and unaware that there was something wrong with its shape size or weight to coming into the awareness that our body didnt measure up to the then “ideal body” type and that we were in fact fat and impossibly flawed. 
For me it was at the onset of puberty and I was gifted with these fabulous legs, thick thighs and strech marks. After putting on like 20 pounds and 4 inches in a growth spurt I was told to make sure that I don’t “get fat” and that “I better watch what I eat”. My thighs were just so damn big, or so I was told thus began my obsession with them. My strech marks I was informed were gross and I started feeling ashamed of them. 
Eating became torture because I had been convinced I was one forkful away from being iverweight and that is how my body hating began.

In my late teens I discovered that my 36B breast size fell in the too small category and I became self conscious about my breast and at college some random male acquaintance poked me in the stomach and commented about me needing to do some crunches snd I chose to believe him and thus began my waist hatred. I also came across an article that educated me about cellulite that up to that point I was not even aware existed let alone it being something else I should detest about my body. 
Notice any common themes here? I had to be taught that my body was ugly . Although I mentioned no names it was loved one and in most cases women at that who inteoduced me to body hatred and in each of those scenarios I choose to give up my power and take on a negative belief about myself and made this my new truth. And of course all of these areas of body hatred were towards my body parts that were the result of my being female.
Now mind you in highschool and college I was a super fine size 7/8 but with my warped body image I was huge and was disgusted everytime I looked in the mirror. Over time with healing and awareness I grew to love my breasts again and appreciate that due to their ‘small’ size they are still perky at the age of 40 amd came to accept my strech marks and no longer even notice so they are a non issue.
But for some reason I have held onto my hatred of my stomach and waist which has resulted in me creating a problem with storing fat there to absorb all of tge toxic thoughts and energy I direct towards it and no matter my size or weight the cellulite stays and the shame around my thighs remains.
As woman it is crucial that we are aware of the extent of our programming and socialization to detest our bodies and only find flaws with our gorgeousness. When stepping away from this body shaming and body hating paradigm it becomes really pathaligical and insane although it apoears normal from the inside. I have found even in my healing and releasing of all the negative programming associated with being female I have stubbornly clung to my remaining body hating issues because on some level I know that if I truly loved all of my beautiful self I would be betraying the agreements we have made as a culture in shaming and hating the female form. Have you ever tried to in the middle of a female bonding body shaming session announce that uour body was perfect and that you loved it exactly as it is.Try it and see how strong everyone pritwcts and maintains body hating. 
Body hating and committment to it plays out in so many ways. Ever wonder why it is so hard to take out the time to move your body even though it feels good to do so. It is all the negativity attached to our bodies and our committment to maintining the body hate that makes it so difficult to do something like exercise. 
A couple of weeks ago I had an eliphany that for me self-care pampering and nuturing my body were optional not mandatory nor first priority and decided to shift this. I also decided that it was time to end the body hating completely and hence the concept of the Body Love Challenge was born. 
I wanted to go through this process as a collective to share the love and share the healing because if a few women decided to release their body hatred and no longer fed into the body shame programming we can transform the experience of being female